Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again.

Enough of this horseshit.  I know who I am with cigarettes or without.  I am Shelley Effing Davis, and I do what I say I am going to do, including quitting smoking.  No more pathtic whining about the existential angst of rediscovering myself as a non-smoker.  It was after all, just a dangerous and stupid habit. 

Last night after my little rambling pity party whine fest (not wine fest, I'll have one of those again one of these days too) I watched the last episode of "Rescue Me" where Tommy Gavin had a post-near-death rebirth, and decided he was going to be nice to everyone, and quit drinking for the four thousandth time, and apparently quit smoking too.  And everyone around him said "sure you are" and he ended the episode by having a big melt down and downing about six fingers of scotch.  Made me think it was time for me to quit crying wolf and make everyone around me think, although their not jerkish enough to say, "sure you are." 

So there. 


  1. Shelley! I love your blog with fabulous visuals! Go Shelley--I'm definitely cheering you on!

  2. you got this, I know you do. One day at a time my friend and everything will start putting itself into its place. I believe in you! :)
