Case in point....

James Dean. The epitome of cool. Had he not died in a car a Porsche (also cool)....before he was 22 who knows if he would have kept smoking. If he had, who knows what would have happened to him, but as it is he just carried on a legacy of cool.

There are oodles more of them. Fifty or sixty years ago there was substantially less information about the death and destruction that cigarettes cause. Still, cool has already been defined. The world is trying very hard to redefine cool as healthy, as something that believes in moderation and preservation, but it is going to take a long time to get from this.....
And this....
to an entirely new picture of cool. We'll get there though. Luckily, I don't care about cool anymore. I haven't cared about cool when it comes to smoking since about 1994.
Down one more pack today. Only six more to go. Eek!
Steve McQueen: coolest guy in the known universe...lung cancer. (although there is an urban legend that says it could have been lung cancer/mesothelioma from all of the asbestos he exposed himself to racing. The legend part is that along with his asbestos racing suits, he used to put asbestos rags in his mouth when he raced because he was afraid of setting himself on fire during a wreck and damaging his face.)