I've been smoking for eighteen years, give or take a few weeks. Let's do the math, using eighteen years as the rough round number.
One pack a day for 18 years = 6,570 packs of cigarettes.
There are twenty cigarettes in each pack = 131,400 individual cigarettes smoked.
During the time that I have been a smoker cigarettes have increased in price from about $2 a pack to a whopping $5 a pack. So I chose a rough figure in the middle, $3.75 a pack = $24,637.50 spent on cigarettes, roughly.
Here is the kicker, I approximate that it takes about 5 minutes to smoke an entire cigarette, although that may be a little on the long side. In any event, if I multiply 5 minutes by 131,400, divide that by 60 and divide that by 24, the answer is 365. I have spent approximately one whole year of my life with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.
So, well...., there's that. That's all the math I choose to do today.
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