Excellent quitting day. Yesterday, after my particularly bad quitting day on Monday, I went to visit my friend Nedda (practicing at Pulse Holistic) who, among other traditional medicines, provides acupuncture treatments. So I got a bunch of needles stuck in my ears, and some in my arms, and legs, and in my forehead and one on the very pointy part of my pointy head. Then she hooked the ones in my ears up to some sort of electrode-type device that made lovely little pulses in my head. Also, she hooked me up with some herbs that have helped both make me a little more calm and provided some extra resolve to my occasionally faulty willpower.
I tried acupuncture the first time after my face went numb and my doctor told me it was "just Bell's palsy," which of course was far better than the stroke that I thought I might be having, but anytime someone throws out 'palsy' in a diagnosis I think it natural to be somewhat alarmed. Anyhow, Bell's palsy is a catch-all diagnosis for unexplained source facial nerve paralysis that may or may not be permanent. This also alarmed me. So after I finished my course of steroids (eek!) I went to visit Nedda who explained that Bell's palsy is more commonly diagnosed in Chinese culture and that there were many traditional treatments. She hooked me up with some acupuncture and my face was back to normal (or as close to it as I get) within a couple of treatments. Now I'm a believer. A billion Chinese can't be wrong!
Yesterday's acupuncture treatment was very helpful and gave me some great focus. Also, the herbs are the bomb. I was actually so energized that I started to think of some new favorite things I would like to try.
For instance.....
Archery! I've been fascinated by archery since wathcing Disney's fox-filled version of Robin Hood as a little kid. Plus, it looks like a great arm and core work out.
Or perhaps.....
Kung Fu, or some other form of martial art. (I may have a Disney problem.)
Both of these new favorite things would also add to my repertoire of evil Bond girl skills. Tomorrow, though, I am going waterskiing with my dad, one of my old, pre-smoking favorite things. There may be a fun photo from that adventure. Hoping all of you had as great a day as I had today. Hooray for not smoking. I smell better!
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