Thursday, July 15, 2010

Exercise Helps.

I don't generally like exercise.  In fact, I was just explaining to my mom that I think the last time I went to the gym was in April, and the last time before that was February.  Nevertheless, they say exercise helps with quitting smoking.  Plus I had the day off and waterskiing is fun.  So that is what I did today.  Some photos to prove it.

Ok.  I really did ski before this tubing incident.  Twice.  For a fairly short distance in two different directions.  The tubing was a complete blast though.  Ergo, the giant, dopey, laughing smile on my face in the photo to the right.

My 15 year old sister completely outdid me in the waterskiing department.  By the way, she is very glad that I have quit smoking.  If I ever catch her smoking, I will slap the natural athletic and musical ability right out of her.

Our fearless boat chauffeur, my dad, was quite a trooper.  He quit smoking cold-turkey about three years ago after I called him crying because one of my good friends had just very suddenly lost her father (who to my knowledge never was a smoker, but still).  I did not quit because I rationalized that I was much younger and in far better health, and that I still had many healthy smoking years left.  Don't laugh.  I really told myself that.  I wish you all could have joined us today to hear my dad dancing and rapping along to some song about sticking your elbows out like a cholo.  It was a day full of great laughs.  Thanks.

They also say that eating citrus fruit helps to quit smoking so I got a bag of clementines.  I'll start with citrus and try to work myself back into the gym.  Baby steps. 

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